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Cape Town based photographer Mpumelelo Macu is known for his incredible work towards photography. Mpumelelo's photography reflects his uniqueness and his creative ability and that distinctly separates him from each and every photographer based in South Africa and throughout the world , usually its quoted that pictures portray a thousand words but Macu’s images portrays a story with endless perceptions. Mpumelelo Macu’s work is best reflected on his website: where it also allows people to explore his musical corridor and the music he listens to. He's growth as a photographer and creative ability to tell stories has allured Highsnobiety an international daily news website covering street wear, sneakers, cars, lifestyle, and the arts, to feature his images on their snobshots category, South Africa will one day embrace his dedication to the creative and photography pathway. Follow him on insta: mpumelelomacu and explore his efficient portrayal of images.

What triggered to you be a photographer?

I have been a designer for a while now. Throughout my design career, I was always intrigued by the photography I would be using for campaigns and the more work I did the more I got exposed to this photography things. I’ll break it down to you, I had a really weird time in tertiary… I went to a college that spoon feed us everything and we basically had to replicate what they gave us. When that ended I had a decision to make, find a job or continue studying looking for a job meant having a really dope portfolio and I wasn’t happy with mine at that time… So I continued studying, went to a better school (That shit cost me a shit load of money man.) and had to put my all to make sure I didn’t fail and got introduced to this thing called photography. I wasn’t really bothered until I worked in at an ad agency. I would see these amazing photos and I thought, one day, I would learn how to do that. Fast-forward, I’m having the time of my life behind the camera. Telling my life story through the things I see.

Define Photography in your own terms?

Photography is the act of documenting or creating moments. What I meant with that… Documenting moments would be anything from that taking a photo of that ray of that pierce the clouds and hit a specific subject. That is your moment and how do you really relive it when there is no evidences of it… a photo would be that evidence and your one point of reference to that moment; Creating a moment, would be all those shoots that you plan and you know exactly what you wanna get from them.

When you go in one of your travels, what do you take with you?

I normally have my D800 and my phone…


I’m at a space where my camera is for my work and my phone is for all the moments i find. I guess it’s all in the accessibility for me.

How do you educate yourself to take better pictures?

I shoot a lot. Every photo I take whether it be on my phone or my camera is training and I try and do better with every shoot.

Whose work has influenced you most?

I have a lot of influences but at the moment, I’m loving Ja Tecson’s work. I think he’s doing what I wanna do. I love the energy in his photos and I work hard to take that and try and interpret it in my own way through my photos.

What is the one thing you wish you knew when you started taking photos?

Wow, I've never really thought about this cause I'm like a child when it comes to my photography. I'm always curious about what else I can learn. That’s why I don’t box myself, a photo is a photo… if I can shoot one thing, I can learn how to shoot the other. So to answer your question, it’s all a learning experience. It’s not about what I don’t know but what I would like to learn.

What are you currently working on?

At the moment, I have a few client projects’ I’m trying to lock down (unfortunately I can’t talk about them as yet but you see the work once it done.) Then I have a little challenge I’ve set for myself to publish a book and sell some prices.

What is that one goal, you still want to achieve as a photographer?

I would love to have an exhibition beyond our shores… I would like to really tell my story to the world. I know we have the internet for that but I really want to be in a foreign land, tell my story and interact with different people.

Advice for anybody who wants to be a photographer.

My only advice would be to keep shooting. Learn your craft find your style and tell your story. We are all photographers and storytellers. Everyone has a story to tell. Try and collaborate as much as you can. Just do it like Nike.

How has Cape Town complimented your growth as a photographer?

Cape Town is a beautiful city, moving here opened up my eyes to another world. The more I see in these streets, the more I wanna shoot.

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Solomon Molefe | Movers and shakers