CODY B, THE NEW FACE OF HOUSE | Far from the usual
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Last year has been a great year for house music in South Africa, especially in the deep house genre. More and more artists are coming to the foreground and some amazing production companies are throwing some epic events. One of these artists that has hit it big in 2014, with some incredible DJ sets and some amazing parties, is a young man from Jozi that goes by the name of CODY B. He has been on every major line-up involving deep house and house in general, even opening up for MOONBEAM when he was here a few months ago. He is a very humble, hard working and rad dude. Mixed Apples sat him down for a quick chat, check what he had to say:

MA: Hey there, how you doing? Its awesome to be chatting to you!

-Hi Guys! I am doing great thanks! Really good to be chatting to you guys too.

MA: Before we get started, do you mind introducing yourself, telling us where you are from and giving us a short background on how you got started in music?

- Sure, My name is Cody Blanc better known as Cody B from Johannesburg South Africa. I got started in the music industry because i have had a love and passion for music from a very young age, growing up i was lucky enough to have a Father who had great taste in music as well as a neat music collection with a wide variety of different genres including Deep House. I’d say these early influences have played a big role in my decision to pursue a career in music.

MA: How would you describe your style of music?

- I am an avid Lover of Deep and Soulful House as well as a bit of Techno but always seem to be drawn to the more high energy compositions these genres have to offer.

MA: You have seriously blown up on the local JHB house scene this year. It has surely been many years of hard work that has brought you the current recognition you are receiving? What do you think are the major factors that you are being noticed so much more in 2014?

- Id definitely say the hard work, effort and time ive put in to getting myself recognized as well as the good people i surround myself with and have built relationships with over the years.

MA: What are some of your musical inspirations and influences?

- I have so many but i’d have to say Stimming and Ryan Murgatroyd are at the top of my list as well as a lot of the young talent in SA that i work with from time to time.

MA: Our local deep house music scene has been growing in such a big way lately, what do you think are the positives at the moment and the reasons for the massive new appreciation for deep house in SA??

- The positive is being able to share a common love and interest with lots of different and new people. The information age has definitely opened more avenues for people to find what genre suits them best where as in the past a lot of people were limited to just listening to what the radio stations were playing. More and more people have access to Deep House now and so more people take a liking to it.

MA: Can you give us a few of your highlights of 2014, like maybe opening for MOONBEAN a few weeks back?
- Opening for Moonbeam has to be one of the biggest highlights for me, i used to listen to a lot of Moonbeams compositions when i started out and to open for such a huge inspiration was really a great moment!

MA: What track/Album are you pumping in your car these days?

- Bob Moses – Grace

MA: You are one of the acts playing at the Trio Nova presents: GARDENS OF HOUSE on the 1st November… Are you excited for this and what can we expect from your set?

- Im very excited to be featured on my first Trio Nova line up and look forward to showcasing my music collection with Trio Nova’s high energy crowd.

MA: Are there any other projects that you are working on that we might be interested in hearing about?

- I am always hard at work in studio trying to perfect my craft so you can expect a few releases in the near future.

MA: Where can we follow you on social media?

Facebook :
Twitter : @DJCody_B
Soundcloud :
Instagram : cody_blanc

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Source: Mixed Apples