CLOUDY BY FRIENDS WITH YOU | Far from the usual
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Cloudy is a happy animated short by artists Samuel Borkson and Arturo Sandoval III of Friends With You. Welcome to the clouds!

"This animated short is an exploration into the clouds; a sweet, visual soundscape that takes the viewer through a personal journey into the sky. Sing, dance and relax as you follow a cast of clouds and raindrops through an entrancing adventure you’ll wish to take over and over again.

FriendsWithYou explores animism, giving the main cast of characters a soul. The purpose of the piece is to transcend the viewer to a peaceful and joyous state. Clouds singing and performing their duties in a joyful manner show us that everything in our world has a role and a purpose.

Both co-collectors were giggling pretty hard at this one.

Researcher: Lillian Mazibuko
Source:  The Kid Should See This