FINDING BODEGA | Far from the usual
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If you were walking through the streets of Boston, odds are, you wouldn't want to stop at this little Bodega. It typically carries necessities, food and small items... at first glans, this one in particular looks a little on the shady side. 

So, you might walk right on by. But you'd definitely regret it once you learned the truth about the store "front".

This is what the store looks like from the street.

This is what the store looks like from the street.

Seems completely normal... even a little on the dirty side.

Seems completely normal... even a little on the dirty side.

When you walk in, it STILL looks like a normal shop.

Thats until you get closer the old Snapple machineWhen you walk in, it STILL looks like a normal shop.

That is, until you notice the out-of-place and old Snapple machine...

That's actually a hidden doorway.

That's actually a hidden doorway.

It leads into Bodega, a hip clothing store, hidden from the Boston streets.

It leads into Bodega, a hip clothing store, hidden from the Boston streets.

Only the cool kids shop at Bodega.

Only the cool kids shop at Bodega.

Mainly because no one else knows about it.

Mainly because no one else knows about it.

Bodega is listed as being " hidden at: 6 Clearway St., Boston, MA 02115" if you want to take a stab at entering the store yourself. Thankfully, you can also visit their online store if you're too intimidated by the secret society of hidden storefronts. The real question is this, though: can you actually buy a can of Snapple from that machine?

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Sara Heddleston | Viral Nova | Culture