A TRUE WANDERER | Far from the usual
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“Driving a car is like watching a movie—riding a motorcycle is like being in it.”

That is how Wes Reyneke, a father, writer and bike aficionado from Cape Town’s northern suburbs, sums up his chosen mode of transport for taking to the Open Road.

Reyneke is the winner of the Wrangler search for True Wanderers, which has seen adventure seekers from all across the country take to the Open Road in search of adventure.

The writer for Bike EXIF, the world’s leading authority on custom motorcycles, who also has his own blog Rather be Riding (www.ratherberiding.co.za) wins a brand new Triumph Bonneville motorcycle worth R100 000.

Wrangler True Wanderer kicked off in March this year, with participants asked to upload their entry in the form of previous travelling experiences with stories onto www.wranglertruewanderer.com

Entries were judged through an online poll and validated by a panel of judges. Five finals were selected from the pool and each was offered R5000 towards their True Wanderer journey.

The finalists were each styled in Wrangler gear; taking to the Open Road they shared their experiences through photos, videos and blogged about each day’s events. All road trips were uploaded onto www.wranglertruewanderer.com

Reyneke’s unplanned journey over five days saw him brave the winter chill on a rented bike (“My own bikes were in need of work,” he explains), travelling through the breathtaking Cederberg in the Western Cape and then onto Northern Cape via Clanwilliam, Nieuwoudville and Calvinia before heading down to Ceres.
His last stop was in Philadelphia where he met his folks and sister for lunch.
“My folks both ride, my sister often accompanies them. They rode back home with me – in the pouring rain,” said Reyneke.

A well-deserved True Wanderer, his blog reflects his wry sense of humour, zeal for the outdoors and free spirit. A collision with a fellow biker who had drifted into the wrong lane (which saw him nursing a massive headache and consequently a bike with bent handlebars), the winter chill, rain and a hail storm on the R355 gravel road didn’t quash his sense of adventure.

More than a competition, Wrangler True Wanderer has seen the creation of a community of adventurers who relish new experiences and are inspired by the free spirit of the Open Road.

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Wrangler SA | Living