MOOLMAN | Far from the usual
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Johann Moolman was born and schooled in Johannesburg. He studied art at the then Johannesburg College of Art and during 1975-1976 completed post-graduate studies at St Martin's School of Art in London, majoring in sculpture.
From 1978 - 1989 Moolman lectured in sculpture and printmaking at the University of South Africa, Department of Fine Art.
During 1990 - 1996 he was a Senior Lecturer in the Fine Art Department, University of the North West, where he ran the Sculpture Department and also lectured drawing and history of art.
Since 1997 he has been living and working as a full-time artist in Groot-Marico, North-West Province.

Moolman has held various one person exhibitions and has taken part in various group exhibitions nationally and internationally over the past twenty five years. In 1981 Moolman exhibited as guest artist at the Johannesburg Art Gallery, Joubert Park.

Moolman's work is represented in various public and private collections nationally and internationally

Moolman attempts to integrate with his South African urban experience as well as with a consciousness of international developments and tendencies.
"My work is not concerned with political or social issues but rather with a universal and spiritual consciousness, time and space. Amongst other symbols I often use the human head in profile as being the most elementary symbol of 'man'. I do not work with any one particular material, style or technique - often these are combined in one work. Rather, the unexpected unknown interaction between idea/concept and material has become the point of departure for a constant experimental searching approach to my work.”

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