ROB THE ILLUSTRATOR | Far from the usual
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So who is Roberto Adamo and what do you do?

Studied. Got a job. Haven’t stopped and still love what I do. Currently I work as a Digital Creative Group Head at DDB South Africa, although I love a good print ad now and then. I have a passion for illustration and anything involving the art of creation. I believe you should always push yourself into a space where the potential to fail is high. I always find one is surprised with the ease in which they can overcome the challenge. Always learning. Growing. Further discovering my own style and craft.

How would you define your style of Illustration?

I focus heavily on form, lighting, colour and body distortion to try amplify a characters personality or emotion. I pay carful attention to detail in anything I do. Think this comes from my past pencil work, always been hooked to detail.

What inspires you and your work?

The drive to be better, better in my work, better in me. I gather inspiration from anything really, my situations, a story, a memory. I look closely to 3D character art for ideas. Even old Disney cartoons. No school like the old school.

Tell us about your sale of work on

This is my first body of work for sale; decided it was time I took a proactive role in getting my work out there. Superbalist offers a world-class platform for local designers to sell their work, seemed like the perfect fit.

“16 Bit Additions” is a three-part print series made up of three infamous gaming characters: Donkey Kong, Mario and Pac-Man. The illustrations demonstrate each characters in-game addiction: Barreled rum, chocolate coins and sweets. Each character shown is obese, as a result of their addiction, blissfully content with the moment and enjoyment of repeatedly consuming their one love in life. Many sub scripts behind the meaning of the work, but won’t get into that :). Designed to be enjoyed and bring a bit of colour in anyone’s life.

What are you currently working on?

I’ve started a new series, won’t give too much away, but it will be a black and grey range of A2 prints, again focusing on central characters.

What advice would you give young creatives looking to do what you do?

Always believe in yourself, work hard and never think you better. We work in such a subjective field; so try find something unique in everyone’s craft that is good. Learn. Teach. It’s about the people you surround yourself with that can help your career grow. No success was accomplished alone. Stay humble, your integrity is all that matters, so don’t sell it short for a quick gain. And just keep pushing yourself, set a goal. Reach it. Set another one.
Where can our readers follow your work?Follow me on Instagram @batoadamo

Researcher: Melusi Mthembu
Source: SA Creative Network